
MTC Library supports students, faculty, and staff by offering a wide range of research materials and services. Its extensive collection includes more than 452,000 print and electronic volumes. The library subscribes and provides access to hundreds of full-text journals, magazines, and newspapers through its electronic databases. Users can conveniently learn about and navigate library resources on our website by using the tutorials, LibGuides, online catalog, and databases.

In addition to information resources, the library provides a variety of user services. These services include computer access, WiFi connectivity, open study areas, and reservable study rooms that can be booked online. Librarians offer introductory and advanced library instruction and assistance to both on-campus and online learners. MTC students, faculty, and staff also have access to shared resources through the Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries (PASCAL), which allows lending between academic libraries throughout the state.

Users can receive in-person help by visiting the library, where librarians are available to provide personalized assistance and support. For quick and real-time assistance, the library offers a chat reference service. This service enables users to communicate directly with a librarian, who can provide guidance, answer questions, and help navigate the library's resources effectively. 

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