Faculty Enrichment

Faculty Enrichment

The Center for Teaching Excellence is dedicated to fostering faculty success through continuous faculty enrichment opportunities. Our programming empowers educators like you to embrace new horizons in teaching, learning, and growth. Whether you are an experienced professor or just starting your journey, we have tailored opportunities that cater to your unique needs and aspirations. 

Upcoming Enrichment Opportunities

  • Teaching & Learning Tuesday: AI FOR THE TRAINED EYE: ENGAGING AI IN HIGHER EDUCATION  June 18, 2:30pm  Register Now


MTC Interconnections

What We Offer

  • Engaging Workshops: Immerse yourself in dynamic workshops designed to sharpen your teaching skills and explore innovative pedagogical approaches. Our staff design sessions that inspire creativity and invigorate your classroom.

  • Specialized Learning Communities: Join our vibrant faculty learning communities, each crafted to address specific needs. Connect with colleagues who share your interests, be it online teaching, course redesign, or the world of open educational resources (OER).

  • Conversations: Dive into captivating discussions through common read or tune in to our enriching podcast. Explore insightful conversations that spark fresh perspectives.

  • Flexible Training: Embrace self-directed learning with our asynchronous training courses. Access valuable resources at your own pace, tailoring your development journey to your busy schedule.

Your Pathway to Success

Faculty enrichment isn't just about workshops and learning communities; it's about your personal and professional growth. By participating, you'll:

  • Elevate Your Teaching: Develop innovative strategies that captivate students and cultivate meaningful learning experiences.

  • Expand Your Network: Connect with fellow educators, share experiences, and forge valuable collaborations that endure beyond the classroom.

  • Stay Ahead: Stay informed about cutting-edge trends in education, ensuring your teaching methods remain current and effective.

Group of engaged faculty

Faculty Learning Communities

Group of engaged faculty

New Faculty Learning Community (NFLC)
The NFLC is a semester-long learning experience which focuses on introducing faculty to MTC and best practices in teaching, especially those practices designed to ensure student success at a two-year college. This course is presented as a web-hybrid with in-person meetings combined with virtual and on-line. Participants will complete weekly readings, additional research and applied tasks, participate in guided on-line discussions, submit reflections, and present a Final Project to their supervisory personnel.
Online Faculty Learning Community (OFLC)
The Online Faculty Learning Community (OFLC) is a vibrant community dedicated to empowering faculty members to enhance the learning experiences of MTC students in the online environment. Through collaboration and exploration, participants will delve into best practices, pedagogical techniques, and effective facilitation strategies in the online classroom. By participating in this community, faculty gain valuable insights into the online student experience and discover practical tools for student engagement. Together, the community addresses the challenges of distance learning and strives to create exceptional online learning environments that foster student success.
Online Redesign Faculty Learning Community (ORFLC)

The purpose of this community is to bring faculty together with staff from the CTE to collaborate on the redesign of their online course. Participants review research-proven practices in online course design as well as best practices in online course facilitation. Community members are equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to implement these practices effectively during the redesign process and emerge from the experience with a high-quality online course. Faculty also come away with valuable strategies that can be applied independently to future course design projects. By actively participating in this community, faculty become empowered with the skills and knowledge to continuously enhance online courses and deliver exceptional online learning experiences. 

OER Faculty Learning Community (OER-FLC)

The Open Educational Resources Faculty Learning Community (OER-FLC) aims to guide the development, adoption, and review of OER materials at MTC. The community supports the utilization of OER to improve student success through widespread access and affordability, ensuring that each student can attain their fullest potential. The community encourages the use of OER to promote innovation in teaching and learning through a collaborative course design process in a community environment. The overall aim is to improve teaching efficiency and effectiveness through the ability to focus, analyze, augment, and create course materials directly aligned to student learning outcomes.