Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees for the Foundation is composed of up to 22 individuals who are prominent in our community's business, industrial, professional and civic affairs.

Jim BraunJames L. (Jim) Braun


AVANTech, Inc.

Jeff Griffin '96

Vice Chair
Jeff Griffin - MTC Foundation Board

Owner and President
W.O. Blackstone & Co., Inc.

Cheryl Holland Cheryl Holland


President and Founder
Abacus Planning Group, Inc.

Christian (Chris) Stormer, CPAChris Stormer


Bauknight, Pietras & Stormer, PA


Rob QuellRob Quell 

VP, Broker, and Special Market Development
Colonial Life


Dan BruinsmaDan Bruinsma - MTC Foundation Board

Director of Maintenance


Stephanie L. DeFreese

Vice President, Sales and Marketing
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina

Picture of David DubberlyDavid Dubberly

Attorney and Member
Maynard Nexsen PC

Kristi EidsonKristi Eidson

General Manager
Total Comfort Solutions West Columbia

John Griggs, III

Market Executive
Synovous, South Carolina Region




Joe Johnson

Walter (Joe) Johnson '83

President and COO
Palmetto GBA


Angelle LaBorde

President and Chief Executive Officer
Lexington (SC) Chamber and Visitors Center


Willis Langley, IIIWillis Langley, III

Owner and Operator
Langley, III, LLC dba McDonalds

Derek RaperDerek Raper - MTC Foundation Board

Senior Vice President and Commercial Banking Relationship Manager
First Citizens Bank

Vaughn Reynolds

President, Bank of America (Columbia)
Wealth Management, Market Executive
Merrill Lynch




Katherine Blanchard WhittleKatherine Whittle, MTC Foundation Board Member

Executive Director - Joe's Wish and Member - Community and Employee Relations Team
Blanchard Machinery Company

Chris Zimmer

Senior Vice President, Midlands & Upstate South Carolina Market President
Truist Financial Corporation

Thomas E. Persons, Sr.Thomas (Tom) E. Persons, Sr.

Trustee Emeritus

President and CEO
S.C. Technology Alliance

James D. ReynoldsJames (Jim) D. Reynolds

Trustee Emeritus

CEO, Retired
Total Comfort Solutions

Sandra V. JacksonSandra J. Jackson


MTC Commission Chair

Dr. Greg Little HeadshotDr. Greg Little


MTC President

Nancy McKinneyNancy McKinney


Associate Vice President Office of Philanthropy and
CEO, MTC Foundation

Debbie M. WalkerDebbie M. Walker


VP for Business Affairs, MTC