Batesburg-Leesville Campus

Batesburg-Leesville Campus Details
The Batesburg-Leesville Campus is designed to bring top-notch education to residents of Batesburg-Leesville, Gilbert, and Pelion.
- Phone:
- Address: 423 College Street, Batesburg-Leesville, SC 29070

Batesburg-Leesville Campus Virtual Tour
Free at Batesburg-Leesville
MTC is offering free community-interest classes at the Batesburg-Leesville Campus. Save your seat today.
Quick Links
Contact Suzanne Lee at 803.604.1601 or to schedule a campus visit or get more information.
About the Campus
The community-based campus offers students the opportunity to learn from experienced faculty including courses at the larger campuses through distance learning technology and smart classrooms.
Complimentary Wi-Fi for MTC Students
As an MTC student, you have access to the college Wi-Fi system on all MTC campuses, including Batesburg-Leesville. With your unique student ID, you can sign-in to use the internet on MTC computers or your own, at any MTC location.
Upcoming Events
RSVP and APPLY for FREE to become an MTC student next semester!
- Learn about MTC’s over 150 academic programs
- See what financial aid options are available
- Meet with our Admissions Team in-person on the MTC Batesburg-Leesville campus
- Learn about the college and the MTC enrollment process
- Get help navigating the MTC application