Success Stories
Devin Henson
“Thanks to the generous support from the MTC Foundation, my Differential Equations class was able to launch a high altitude weather balloon and capture some pretty stunning images of ‘near space.’”

The Differential Equations math class Devin taught at MTC launched a high altitude weather balloon (HAB) with a GoPro camera. From planning, design, setup, launch, and retrieval, this first-of-its-kind project at MTC was made possible only because of the full funding provided by the MTC Foundation.
“The Differential Equations math class I taught at MTC launched a high altitude weather balloon (HAB) with a GoPro camera. From planning, design, setup, launch, and retrieval, this first-of-its-kind project at MTC was made possible only because of the full funding provided by the MTC Foundation.
The balloon reached heights of around 100,000 feet, temperatures of -70 degrees F, and speeds of 70 mph. It captured stunning images in the atmospheric region called ‘near space’.
Thanks to the generous support from the MTC Foundation, my Differential Equations class was able to launch a high altitude weather balloon and capture some pretty stunning images of ‘near space.’
In a class like differential equations, the lessons can seem a little abstract. I thought it would be helpful for the students to see some of their mathematics come to life. In this project, they were able to measure velocity, acceleration, and drag. It is a critical course for engineering students.
Thanks to the Foundation, this project is still being conducted. Word of mouth has gotten around, and now when each semester starts, the students ask the instructor if they will get to do the project too.”
The balloon was launched from the Northeast MTC Campus and landed about 45 miles away in Sumter, S.C.
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