Architectural Engineering Technology


Become an architectural technician, estimator, or building codes specialist upon completion of this five-semester program at MTC. Students will learn to convert preliminary designs of architects and engineers into working drawings and specifications; they will also learn to plan, supervise, and do preliminary cost estimates of construction projects.

Architectural engineering technicians assist architects, engineers, and contractors. A wide variety of jobs are available for graduates, including architectural technicians, estimators, and surveyors.

Architectural engineering technicians play an important support role to architects and engineers. There is a need for qualified technicians to assist architects, contractors, and the allied construction industries in implementing new technological advances. With the development of new materials, building designs are limited only by one’s knowledge, skills, creativity, and imagination.

This program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Program Educational Objectives

The Program Educational Objectives for the Architectural Engineering Technology program at Midlands Technical College are:

  1. Apply knowledge of architectural technologies and competence in interview of clients to solve actual building solutions.
  2. Apply problem solving and critical thinking skills for successful performance in the Architectural Engineering technology field.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to perform research, integrate and synthesize information, and resolve information discrepancies for a design.
  4. Produce design solutions in the form of working drawings for residential and lite commercial structures

Student Outcomes

Students in the Architectural Engineering Technology Program will demonstrate:

  • an ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve well-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline
  • an ability to design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the engineering design of systems, components, or processes appropriate to the discipline
  • an ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in well-defined technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature
  • an ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the results
  • an ability to function effectively as a member of a technical team
Academic Year Enrollment Data
Program Graduates By Year

Students should consult faculty members in regard to any program-specific supplies they may need to purchase.

Program Type

Associate in Applied Science

How to Enroll

To pursue this degree, you must apply to MTC using our online application.

Apply Now


Print Plan

Sample Program Plan and Costs

On-Campus Traditional. Classes meet on campus.
Virtual 100% online. Meets with a live instructor and classmates on specific days, at specific times. Uses web conferencing software, like Zoom.
Hybrid Some classes on campus. Some classes online or virtual.
Online 100% online. Due dates for projects and assignments. Self-paced work on your time.
Semester Course ID Course Title Classroom Online Hybrid Virtual Credits
Semester 1
(16 Credit Hours)
COL-101 College Orientation

College Orientation

ID: COL-101

Credit Hours: 1

This course may include selected topics such as career planning, study skills, stress management, tutoring, group guidance, and other subjects to facilitate student success.

ENG-160 Technical Communications

Technical Communications

ID: ENG-160

Credit Hours: 3

This course is a study of various technical communications such as definitions, processes, instructions, descriptions, and technical reports.

MAT-110 College Algebra

College Algebra

ID: MAT-110

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes the following topics: polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions; inequalities; systems of equations and inequalities; matrices; determinants; simple linear programming; solutions of higher degree polynomials; combinatorial algebra, including the binomial theorem; and introduction to probability.

GEO-102 World Geography

World Geography

ID: GEO-102

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes a geographic analysis of the regions of the world, i.e., North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa. Diversity of each region is emphasized by examining its physical environment, natural resources, social, cultural, economic and political systems.

EGT-151 Introduction to Cad

Introduction to Cad

ID: EGT-151

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers the operation of a computer aided drafting system. The course includes interaction with a CAD station to produce technical drawings.

AET-123 Architectural Drafting

Architectural Drafting

ID: AET-123

Credit Hours: 3

This course provides an introduction to the principles of architectural planning and design with an emphasis on residential and light commercial construction.

Semester 2
(15 Credit Hours)
MAT-111 College Trigonometry

College Trigonometry

ID: MAT-111

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes the following topics: circular functions; trigonometric identities; solution of right and oblique triangles; solution of trigonometric equations; polar coordinates; complex numbers, including DeMoivre's Theorem; vectors; conic sections; sequences; and series. (Graphic calculator required)

AET-202 History of Architecture

History of Architecture

ID: AET-202

Credit Hours: 3

This course is a study of the origins, influences and aesthetics that underlie the various styles of architecture from prehistoric times to the present.

AET-120 Architectural Graphics II

Architectural Graphics II

ID: AET-120

Credit Hours: 3

This course requires the production of a set of working drawings of a residential or commercial building. Exercises incorporate construction methods, materials, building code requirements, site development, and technical skills required to draw and graphically present projects. This course is also a further study of architectural design. Perspective construction is introduced.

CET-235 Construction Methods and Estimating

Construction Methods and Estimating

ID: CET-235

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers basic construction techniques with emphasis on cost estimating. This course includes quantity takeoff and tabulation of data spreadsheet format. Oral and written presentations are included.

AET-101 Building Systems I

Building Systems I

ID: AET-101

Credit Hours: 3

This course is a study of the fundamental concepts of design and construction techniques in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

Semester 3
(10 Credit Hours)
PHY-201 Physics I

Physics I

ID: PHY-201

Credit Hours: 4

This is the first in a sequence of physics courses. Topics include mechanics, wave motion, sound, heat, electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics.

EGR-120 Engineering Computer Applications

Engineering Computer Applications

ID: EGR-120

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes the utilization of applications software to solve engineering technology problems.

ENG-165 Professional Communications

Professional Communications

ID: ENG-165

Credit Hours: 3

This course develops practical written, and oral professional communication skills. The course is oriented to current needs in industry and business, and assignments are drawn from students' majors.

Semester 4
(14 Credit Hours)
AET-201 Building Systems II

Building Systems II

ID: AET-201

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers mechanical systems, electrical systems and code requirements for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

AET-221 Architectural Computer Graphics II

Architectural Computer Graphics II

ID: AET-221

Credit Hours: 4

This course includes a study of cad commands with architectural applications and routines. A complete set of working drawings of a residential or commercial building using the computer as the drafting tool is produced. Using the computer as the drafting tool.

CET-105 Surveying I

Surveying I

ID: CET-105

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes surveying theory and practice; care and use of instruments; traversing procedures; and computation of closure. Also included in this course are differential and trigonometric leveling and computation of the area of real property.

EGR-194 Statics and Strength of Materials

Statics and Strength of Materials

ID: EGR-194

Credit Hours: 4

This course covers external and internal forces in structures and/or machines, including conditions of equilibrium, systems of force, moments of inertia and friction. It also covers the stress/strain relationships in materials.

Semester 5
(13 Credit Hours)
CET-220 Concrete and Steel Design

Concrete and Steel Design

ID: CET-220

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers the study of reinforced concrete and steel structural components.

AET-105 Construction Documents

Construction Documents

ID: AET-105

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers the interpretation of residential, commercial, and industrial building construction documents, including construction specifications, general conditions, and construction industry symbols.

AET-230 Architect Graphics III

Architect Graphics III

ID: AET-230

Credit Hours: 4

This course encompasses a model and set of working drawings of a complex architectural project.

AET-103 International Building and Residential C

International Building and Residential C

ID: AET-103

Credit Hours: 3

This course is an introduction to the international building codes and the international residential codes, as well as local code requirements.

  Total Credit Hours 68
  Estimated Cost
Financial Aid
Not including fees and equipment
Semester Course ID Course Title Classroom Online Hybrid Virtual Credits
Semester 1
(7 Credit Hours)
COL-101 College Orientation

College Orientation

ID: COL-101

Credit Hours: 1

This course may include selected topics such as career planning, study skills, stress management, tutoring, group guidance, and other subjects to facilitate student success.

ENG-160 Technical Communications

Technical Communications

ID: ENG-160

Credit Hours: 3

This course is a study of various technical communications such as definitions, processes, instructions, descriptions, and technical reports.

MAT-110 College Algebra

College Algebra

ID: MAT-110

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes the following topics: polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions; inequalities; systems of equations and inequalities; matrices; determinants; simple linear programming; solutions of higher degree polynomials; combinatorial algebra, including the binomial theorem; and introduction to probability.

Semester 2
(9 Credit Hours)
GEO-102 World Geography

World Geography

ID: GEO-102

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes a geographic analysis of the regions of the world, i.e., North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa. Diversity of each region is emphasized by examining its physical environment, natural resources, social, cultural, economic and political systems.

EGT-151 Introduction to Cad

Introduction to Cad

ID: EGT-151

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers the operation of a computer aided drafting system. The course includes interaction with a CAD station to produce technical drawings.

AET-123 Architectural Drafting

Architectural Drafting

ID: AET-123

Credit Hours: 3

This course provides an introduction to the principles of architectural planning and design with an emphasis on residential and light commercial construction.

Semester 3
(9 Credit Hours)
MAT-111 College Trigonometry

College Trigonometry

ID: MAT-111

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes the following topics: circular functions; trigonometric identities; solution of right and oblique triangles; solution of trigonometric equations; polar coordinates; complex numbers, including DeMoivre's Theorem; vectors; conic sections; sequences; and series. (Graphic calculator required)

AET-202 History of Architecture

History of Architecture

ID: AET-202

Credit Hours: 3

This course is a study of the origins, influences and aesthetics that underlie the various styles of architecture from prehistoric times to the present.

ENG-165 Professional Communications

Professional Communications

ID: ENG-165

Credit Hours: 3

This course develops practical written, and oral professional communication skills. The course is oriented to current needs in industry and business, and assignments are drawn from students' majors.

Semester 4
(9 Credit Hours)
AET-120 Architectural Graphics II

Architectural Graphics II

ID: AET-120

Credit Hours: 3

This course requires the production of a set of working drawings of a residential or commercial building. Exercises incorporate construction methods, materials, building code requirements, site development, and technical skills required to draw and graphically present projects. This course is also a further study of architectural design. Perspective construction is introduced.

CET-235 Construction Methods and Estimating

Construction Methods and Estimating

ID: CET-235

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers basic construction techniques with emphasis on cost estimating. This course includes quantity takeoff and tabulation of data spreadsheet format. Oral and written presentations are included.

AET-101 Building Systems I

Building Systems I

ID: AET-101

Credit Hours: 3

This course is a study of the fundamental concepts of design and construction techniques in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

Semester 5
(7 Credit Hours)
PHY-201 Physics I

Physics I

ID: PHY-201

Credit Hours: 4

This is the first in a sequence of physics courses. Topics include mechanics, wave motion, sound, heat, electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics.

EGR-120 Engineering Computer Applications

Engineering Computer Applications

ID: EGR-120

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes the utilization of applications software to solve engineering technology problems.

Semester 6
(7 Credit Hours)
AET-201 Building Systems II

Building Systems II

ID: AET-201

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers mechanical systems, electrical systems and code requirements for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

AET-221 Architectural Computer Graphics II

Architectural Computer Graphics II

ID: AET-221

Credit Hours: 4

This course includes a study of cad commands with architectural applications and routines. A complete set of working drawings of a residential or commercial building using the computer as the drafting tool is produced. Using the computer as the drafting tool.

Semester 7
(7 Credit Hours)
CET-105 Surveying I

Surveying I

ID: CET-105

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes surveying theory and practice; care and use of instruments; traversing procedures; and computation of closure. Also included in this course are differential and trigonometric leveling and computation of the area of real property.

EGR-194 Statics and Strength of Materials

Statics and Strength of Materials

ID: EGR-194

Credit Hours: 4

This course covers external and internal forces in structures and/or machines, including conditions of equilibrium, systems of force, moments of inertia and friction. It also covers the stress/strain relationships in materials.

Semester 8
(6 Credit Hours)
CET-220 Concrete and Steel Design

Concrete and Steel Design

ID: CET-220

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers the study of reinforced concrete and steel structural components.

AET-105 Construction Documents

Construction Documents

ID: AET-105

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers the interpretation of residential, commercial, and industrial building construction documents, including construction specifications, general conditions, and construction industry symbols.

Semester 9
(7 Credit Hours)
AET-230 Architect Graphics III

Architect Graphics III

ID: AET-230

Credit Hours: 4

This course encompasses a model and set of working drawings of a complex architectural project.

AET-103 International Building and Residential C

International Building and Residential C

ID: AET-103

Credit Hours: 3

This course is an introduction to the international building codes and the international residential codes, as well as local code requirements.

  Total Credit Hours 68
  Estimated Cost
Financial Aid
Not including fees and equipment


Architectural Engineering Technician

Architectural technicians work closely with architects and other building professionals, providing architectural design services and solutions on construction projects. They negotiate and develop an architectural project and manage the process from conception through to completion. This includes architectural design management, contract management, and post-construction work.

Projected Job Growth


Average Annual Salary

According to EMSI data as of 2022

Where Can I Work?

  • Architecture Firms
  • Construction Companies
  • Infrastructure Firms


Design Technician

Architectural design technicians are structural designers that work with engineers and general architects to create construction blueprints. Most technicians are not involved with the actual designing of the building but focus on creating the guidelines for how it's constructed.

Projected Job Growth


Average Annual Salary

According to EMSI data as of 2022

Where Can I Work?

  • Architecture Firms
  • Construction Companies
  • Infrastructure Firms

What’s next after I complete this program?

Enter the Workforce

Graduates of this certificate can immediately enter the workforce, getting jobs as drafters, designers, or technicians.

Pursue a Four-Year Degree

Graduates of this degree can pursue a four-year degree in architectural engineering at another institution.

Want more information?

Whether you’re set on your program, trying to figure out if MTC is right for you, or just looking for the occasional email update on careers and programs, we’re here to help.

Academic programs count as academic credit for a certificate, diploma or degree and may transfer toward future academic endeavors at four-year colleges and universities.
Training programs can be completed in a matter of weeks or months, are focused on career training, and provide credentials and certificates needed in the specific fields of study. Coursework does not transfer.
Not sure: Check out these resources to explore what fits your goals.
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