QuickJobs for High School Seniors

Image of a welder welding a pipe with orange sparks coming out one end.


Image of student working with computer wires.

Lucrative Careers -- Quick!

  • Want to bypass the traditional four-year university?
  • Want to avoid thousands of dollars in student loans?
  • Ready to enter the workforce and start earning a family sustaining wage?

MTC's QuickJobs program is designed for you.

QuickJobs programs provide intensive and complete job training so participants can take advantage of jobs that are open now. Most programs can be completed within a few weeks up to a couple of months.  

To help offset the costs of attending a QuickJobs program, MTC offers scholarships that can cover the full amount of the program.

To qualify for a scholarship, certain criteria must be met, including attending the QuickJobs information session.

MTC will be holding a QuickJobs information session specifically for high school seniors on Tuesday, March 11 from 6-8 p.m. 

Seniors and their parents are invited to learn more about the program, scholarship criteria, and enrolling in programs at MTC.

QuickJobs for High School Seniors: Information Session

  • When: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 | 6-8 p.m. 

  • Where: Academic Center Auditorium on the Airport Campus

  • Registration: Advanced registration is required

Register Here

Eligible Programs*

School of Advanced Manufacturing and Skilled Trades
  • Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
  • Comprehensive Welding
  • Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
  • Forklift Operator
  • Heavy Equipment Operator - Construction
  • Heavy Equipment Operator - Transportation and Public Works
  • HVAC Entry Level
  • Industrial Electrical Maintenance Technician
  • Industrial Mechanical Maintenance Technician
  • Plumbing
  • Propane and Natural Gas Installer
School of Business
  • Accounting and Payroll Specialist
  • Office Administrative Specialist
  • Project Manager
School of Health Care
  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
  • Medical Administrative Assistant
  • Medical Coding
  • Patient Care Technician
  • Phlebotomy
  • Sterile Processing
  • Veterinary Assistant
School of STEM
  • Computer Technician
  • Database Analyst
  • Front-End Web Developer
  • Full-Stack Web Developer


* List of eligible program subject to change. Awards are contingent upon funding availability.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are QuickJobs?

QuickJobs are career training programs developed for jobs where workers will be in high demand over the next decade. They are designed to provide intensive and complete job training. Prior experience in a field is not required and most programs can be completed within weeks or a couple of months.

What is the information session?

The information session is where you will receive materials related to MTC's QuickJobs program, information about the scholarship application process, hear from program directors about your studies, and talk with representatives about registering for classes. 

Do I have to attend the information session?

If you intend to apply for a QuickJobs scholarship, you must attend the information session.

When and where is the information session?

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 from 6-8 p.m. in the Academic Center Auditorium on the Airport Campus

Is there eligibility requirements for the scholarship?

Yes, there are eligibility requirements. You must:

  • Attend the free information session.
  • Be a South Carolina resident enrolled at a high school in Richland, Lexington, or Fairfield counties for the last 12 consecutive months. Proof of residency required.
  • Be a high school senior at a high school in Richland, Lexington, or Fairfield counties.
  • Not be in default on any federal student loans or owe MTC or any other college monies.
  • Submit a scholarship application.
  • Complete a SLED background check and pass a drug/alcohol test - depending on the program.
Which high schools qualify me to register for a QuickJobs scholarship?

If you are enrolled as a senior at one of the following high schools, you may qualify for a QuickJobs scholarship:

I am homeschooled / attend a charter, private, or religious affiliated school, do I qualify for a scholarship?

As long as you are homeschooled or attend a charter, private, or religious affiliated school in Richland, Lexington, or Fairfield counties, you may qualify for a QuickJobs scholarship. 

What if I want to enroll in another program?

MTC is happy to help you follow your inner Maverick and enroll in a program you feel best aligns with your professional goals! Please contact our CCE Registration office at 803.732.0432 or cce@midlandstech.edu to get started. We are happy to help! 

Note: Not all corporate and training programs are eligible for a QuickJobs scholarship.

As a parent/legal guardian, what can I expect?

We get it, you probably have many questions. What is the cost to attend, how will my child learn, what are the program outcomes, etc? We encourage you to attend the information session so you can have your questions answered directly from our team. If you have additional questions afterwards or are unable to attend the session, contact us at 803.732.0432 or cce@midlandstech.edu.

Our team is able to answer most questions but cannot disclose student information that falls under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This includes but not limited to personal identification information, financial aid information, enrollment at MTC, and grades and attendance records. 

What if I have additional questions?

We are here to help! Contact our QuickJobs Scholarship Coordinator at 803.732.0432 or email cce@midlandstech.edu.


Information Session

Need help or have questions? Call 803.732.0432.