Early Childhood Development


Students can use the Early Childhood Development Certificate as a stand-alone certificate to begin working in child care or as a pathway toward their Associate Degree in Early Care and Education.

Students in the 27-hour Early Childhood Development Certificate program will receive the tools and resources necessary to provide language and literacy-rich environments; appropriate math and science skills; an inquiry-based approach to learning about the world; and safe, healthy environments that promote the emotional and social well-being of all children. An emphasis will be placed on a variety of learning styles and inclusive environments to meet the needs of all children. Students will have experiences with a variety of ages and curriculum models through hands-on experience in a variety of child care and early education facilities. This program is designed to meet the equivalency of a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. Courses completed satisfactorily may be used toward the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Early Care and Education.

Learning experiences for students in the Early Childhood Development Certificate program are provided in classrooms on the Airport and Beltline campuses. Courses may also be taught at Batesburg-Leesville, Harbison, or Northeast campuses. Candidates complete required observations and field experiences with local child care, Head Start, and/or public-school early childhood classrooms.

Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all of the courses offered for each of the following programs for the grade to be counted toward graduation. With the exception of ECD 101, Introduction to Early Childhood; and SAC 101, Best Practices in School-Age and Youth Care; all ECD students must take the placement test and complete (or test out of) ENG 100 and RDG 100. Students enrolled in lab classes must complete a SLED background check, physical, and TB test before attending lab sites. Please see your advisor about lab site forms and requirements.

For Early Childhood Development students interested in transferring to a four-year institution, please see an ECD Advisor to discuss various program plans and additional transfer information.


This program is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Program Type

Academic Certificate

How to Enroll

To pursue this degree, you must apply to MTC using our online application.

Apply Now


Print Plan

Sample Program Plan and Costs

On-Campus Traditional. Classes meet on campus.
Virtual 100% online. Meets with a live instructor and classmates on specific days, at specific times. Uses web conferencing software, like Zoom.
Hybrid Some classes on campus. Some classes online or virtual.
Online 100% online. Due dates for projects and assignments. Self-paced work on your time.
Semester Course ID Course Title Classroom Online Hybrid Virtual Credits
Semester 1
(12 Credit Hours)
ECD-101 Introduction to Early Childhood

Introduction to Early Childhood

ID: ECD-101

Credit Hours: 3

This course is an overview of growth and development, developmentally appropriate curriculum, positive guidance techniques, regulations, health, safety, and nutrition standards in early care and education. Professionalism, family/cultural values and practical applications based on historical and theoretical models in early care and education are highlighted in this course.

ECD-102 Growth and Development I

Growth and Development I

ID: ECD-102

Credit Hours: 3

This course is an extensive study of philosophies and theories of growth and development of infants/toddlers. Focus is on total development of the child, with emphasis on physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and nutritional areas. Developmental tasks and appropriate activities are explored in the course.

ECD-105 Guidance-Classroom Management

Guidance-Classroom Management

ID: ECD-105

Credit Hours: 3

This course is an overview of developmentally appropriate, effective guidance and classroom management techniques for the teacher of young children. A positive pro-active approach is stressed in the course.

ECD-135 Health, Safety, and Nutrition

Health, Safety, and Nutrition

ID: ECD-135

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers a review of health/safety practices recommended for child care and includes information on common diseases and health problems. Certification preparation is provided in pediatric safety, cpr, and first aid. Guidelines and information on nutrition and developmentally-appropriate activities are also studied in the course.

Semester 2
(15 Credit Hours)
ECD-203 Growth and Development II

Growth and Development II

ID: ECD-203

Credit Hours: 3

This course is an in-depth study of preschool children growing and developing in today's world. Focus is on total development of the child with emphasis on physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and nutritional areas of development. Developmental tasks and appropriate activities are explored in the course.

ECD-131 Language Arts

Language Arts

ID: ECD-131

Credit Hours: 3

This course is a study of methods and materials in age-appropriate language experiences. Opportunities are provided to develop listening, speaking, prereading and prewriting skills through planning, implementation, and evaluation of media, methods, techniques and equipment. Methods of selection, evaluation, and presentation of children's literature are included.

ECD-132 Creative Experiences

Creative Experiences

ID: ECD-132

Credit Hours: 3

In this course the importance of creativity and independence in creative expression are stressed. A variety of age-appropriate media, methods, techniques and equipment are utilized. Students plan, implement, and evaluate instructional activities.

ECD-133 Science and Math Concepts

Science and Math Concepts

ID: ECD-133

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes an overview of pre-number and science concepts developmentally-appropriate for young children. Emphasis is on the planning, implementation, and evaluation of developmentally-appropriate activities utilizing a variety of methods and materials.

ECD-107 Exceptional Children

Exceptional Children

ID: ECD-107

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes an overview of special needs children and their families. Emphasis is on prevalence of disorders, treatment modalities, community resources serving exceptional children, the teacher's role in mainstreaming and early identification, and on federal legislation affecting exceptional children.

  Total Credit Hours 27
  Estimated Cost
Financial Aid
Not including fees and equipment
Semester Course ID Course Title Classroom Online Hybrid Virtual Credits
Semester 1
(6 Credit Hours)
ECD-101 Introduction to Early Childhood

Introduction to Early Childhood

ID: ECD-101

Credit Hours: 3

This course is an overview of growth and development, developmentally appropriate curriculum, positive guidance techniques, regulations, health, safety, and nutrition standards in early care and education. Professionalism, family/cultural values and practical applications based on historical and theoretical models in early care and education are highlighted in this course.

ECD-102 Growth and Development I

Growth and Development I

ID: ECD-102

Credit Hours: 3

This course is an extensive study of philosophies and theories of growth and development of infants/toddlers. Focus is on total development of the child, with emphasis on physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and nutritional areas. Developmental tasks and appropriate activities are explored in the course.

Semester 2
(6 Credit Hours)
ECD-203 Growth and Development II

Growth and Development II

ID: ECD-203

Credit Hours: 3

This course is an in-depth study of preschool children growing and developing in today's world. Focus is on total development of the child with emphasis on physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and nutritional areas of development. Developmental tasks and appropriate activities are explored in the course.

ECD-105 Guidance-Classroom Management

Guidance-Classroom Management

ID: ECD-105

Credit Hours: 3

This course is an overview of developmentally appropriate, effective guidance and classroom management techniques for the teacher of young children. A positive pro-active approach is stressed in the course.

Semester 3
(6 Credit Hours)
ECD-135 Health, Safety, and Nutrition

Health, Safety, and Nutrition

ID: ECD-135

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers a review of health/safety practices recommended for child care and includes information on common diseases and health problems. Certification preparation is provided in pediatric safety, cpr, and first aid. Guidelines and information on nutrition and developmentally-appropriate activities are also studied in the course.

ECD-107 Exceptional Children

Exceptional Children

ID: ECD-107

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes an overview of special needs children and their families. Emphasis is on prevalence of disorders, treatment modalities, community resources serving exceptional children, the teacher's role in mainstreaming and early identification, and on federal legislation affecting exceptional children.

Semester 4
(9 Credit Hours)
ECD-131 Language Arts

Language Arts

ID: ECD-131

Credit Hours: 3

This course is a study of methods and materials in age-appropriate language experiences. Opportunities are provided to develop listening, speaking, prereading and prewriting skills through planning, implementation, and evaluation of media, methods, techniques and equipment. Methods of selection, evaluation, and presentation of children's literature are included.

ECD-132 Creative Experiences

Creative Experiences

ID: ECD-132

Credit Hours: 3

In this course the importance of creativity and independence in creative expression are stressed. A variety of age-appropriate media, methods, techniques and equipment are utilized. Students plan, implement, and evaluate instructional activities.

ECD-133 Science and Math Concepts

Science and Math Concepts

ID: ECD-133

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes an overview of pre-number and science concepts developmentally-appropriate for young children. Emphasis is on the planning, implementation, and evaluation of developmentally-appropriate activities utilizing a variety of methods and materials.

  Total Credit Hours 27
  Estimated Cost
Financial Aid
Not including fees and equipment


Child Care Center Teacher

Child care center teachers focus on child growth and development to include academic curriculum, health and safety, family engagement, and guidance. South Carolina recognizes the Early Childhood Development Certificate as an equivalent to the national Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential.

Projected Job Growth


Average Annual Salary

According to EMSI data as of 2022

Where Can I Work?

  • Licensed Child Care Centers

What’s next after I complete this program?

Move into the child care workforce quickly!

South Carolina recognized the Early Childhood Development Certificate as an equivalent to the national CDA Credential. When you earn the ECD Certificate at Midlands Technical College, you prepare yourself for a career in child care.

Want more information?

Whether you’re set on your program, trying to figure out if MTC is right for you, or just looking for the occasional email update on careers and programs, we’re here to help.

Academic programs count as academic credit for a certificate, diploma or degree and may transfer toward future academic endeavors at four-year colleges and universities.
Training programs can be completed in a matter of weeks or months, are focused on career training, and provide credentials and certificates needed in the specific fields of study. Coursework does not transfer.
Not sure: Check out these resources to explore what fits your goals.
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