Maintenance Electrical Technician


Get the skills manufacturing companies and mechanical contractors are looking for in a Maintenance Electrical Technician. With an MTC certificate and a fundamental knowledge of electrical theory, graduates can earn up to $20 an hour to start with more earning potential as you advance.

Electricians in large factories do maintenance work such as repairing motors, transformers, generators, and electronic controllers on machine tools and industrial robots. They may also advise as to whether the continued operation of certain equipment could be hazardous. When working with complex electronic devices, they may consult with engineers, engineering technicians, line installers and repairers, or industrial machinery mechanics and maintenance workers. In this program, students will learn general electrical safety, industrial sensor technology and how to read blueprints along with electrical fundamentals and troubleshooting.

Pre-requisite:High school diploma or equivalency.

Program Type

Training Certificate

How to Enroll

To pursue this certificate, please click on the courses below to see availability. You can register for courses online, and you do not have to apply to the college!

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Tuition Assistance
Training Resources

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Print Plan

Sample Program Plan and Costs

On-Campus Traditional. Classes meet on campus.
Virtual 100% online. Meets with a live instructor and classmates on specific days, at specific times. Uses web conferencing software, like Zoom.
Hybrid Some classes on campus. Some classes online or virtual.
Online 100% online. Due dates for projects and assignments. Self-paced work on your time.
CEUs Class Hours Course Title Cost
1.20 12

General Electrical Safety -B

You will be introduced to general workplace electrical safety practices, including lockout/tagout, PPE (personal protective equipment), NEC (National Electrical Code), and arc flash guidelines.


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12.00 12

Basic Math for Electricians

This course provides the math skills you will need to begin the study of electricity. Review basic concepts such as number lines and exponents. Introduction to scientific/engineering notation and numerical prefixes and exponents in the decimal number system. Introduction to a scientific calculator and roper operation is covered.


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We frequently add new sections. Please contact our Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) department at 803.732.0432 or for more information.
5.80 58

Electrical Fundamentals

Learn the basic concepts of electricity-beginning with atomic structure and electron flow, Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's Laws, static electricity, magnetism, resistance, basic DC circuits, electrical units, measuring instruments, and magnetic induction. Prerequisites: Basic Math for Electricians or skills assessment completion.


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We frequently add new sections. Please contact our Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) department at 803.732.0432 or for more information.
4.80 48

Electrical Fundamentals II -B

Continue the study of the fundamentals of electricity with the intermediate concepts of electricity: basic trigonometry and vectors, alternating current, the effects and interaction of resistance, and inductance and capacitance in series and parallel circuits. Prerequisites: Electrical Fundamentals I or skills assessment completion.


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We frequently add new sections. Please contact our Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) department at 803.732.0432 or for more information.
4.40 44

Electrical Fundamentals III -B

Complete the study of electrical fundamentals by learning the properties and applications of single-phase transformers, three-phase wye and delta transformer connections, DC generators, DC motors, three-phase alternators, and single and three=phase AC motors. Prerequisites: Electrical Fundamentals I and II or skills assessment completion.


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We frequently add new sections. Please contact our Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) department at 803.732.0432 or for more information.
2.00 20

Electrical Print Reading -B

Learn to read and interpret electrical blueprints and schematics used in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. Emphasis will be on the applications of print reading and circuit and electrical symbols knowledge. Prerequisites: Electrical Fundamentals I, II or skills assessment completion.


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We frequently add new sections. Please contact our Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) department at 803.732.0432 or for more information.
4.40 44

Basic Electronics-B

Learn basic electronics principles, components, and functions including atomic structure of conductors, insulators, and semi-insulators, solid-state device construction, diode rectifier circuits, transistor theory of operation, and switch and amplifier applications.Prerequisities: Electrical Fundamentals I and II, Electrical Print reading or skills assessment completion.


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We frequently add new sections. Please contact our Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) department at 803.732.0432 or for more information.
4.80 48

Electrical Motor Controls-B

Learn to work with relays, timers, push buttons, magnetic starters, fuses overloads, wiring practices, and motor circuit protection principles, all of which are related to indusstry and motor control. You will physically connect three-phase motors and control circuits as part of this course.Prerequisites: Electrical Fundamentals III or skills assessment completion.


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We frequently add new sections. Please contact our Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) department at 803.732.0432 or for more information.
4.40 44

Industrial Sensor Technology

Study various industrial sensors including discrete electro-mechanical and electronic devices, analog devices such as transducers, thermocouples, and RTDs. Prerequisites: Electrical Fundamentals I and II, Electrical Print Reading, and Basic Electronics or skills assessment.


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We frequently add new sections. Please contact our Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) department at 803.732.0432 or for more information.
5.20 52

Variable Frequency Drives-B

Study theory of operation, programming, installation and standard wiring practices. You will work with both the AutomationDirect GS-1 and Allen Bradley Powerflex 40 VFDs. Prerequisites: Industrial Sensors, Basic Electronics, and Electrical Motor Controls or skills assessment completion.


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We frequently add new sections. Please contact our Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) department at 803.732.0432 or for more information.
5.20 52

Programmable Logic Controllers - B

Study theory of operation, programming, installation, and standard wiring practices using All Bradley MicroLogix processors and Logix 500 software. You will learn basic ladder programming principles using bit, timer, and counter instructions. Prerequisites: Industrial Sensors and Basic Electronics or skills assessment completion.


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We frequently add new sections. Please contact our Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) department at 803.732.0432 or for more information.
4.80 48


You will develop methodology, identify, and locate electrical problems using diagrams and basic electrical measuring tools. Prerequisites: Industrial Sensors, Electrical Motor Controls, Print Reading, Variable Frequency Drives, and Programmable Logic Controllers or skills assessment completion.



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We frequently add new sections. Please contact our Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) department at 803.732.0432 or for more information.
Estimated Cost
Tuition Assistance
Not including fees and equipment


Electrical Maintenance Technician

Electrical Maintenance Technicians create, maintain, and repair the electronic components and equipment used in any equipment or device that involves electricity. They can sometimes work with electricians or electrical engineers, or work on-site to keep machinery and specialty equipment running correctly.

Projected Job Growth


Average Annual Salary

According to EMSI data as of 2022

Where Can I Work?

  • Construction Companies

What’s next after I complete this program?

Further Your Education

Earn an associate degree in Electronics Engineering Technology. Electronics engineering technicians combine practical hands-on skills with a theoretical approach to repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting electronic equipment including computers, PLCs, electronic instruments and control devices. Graduates of this program may work in a manufacturing environment, a research facility, a sales center, or an educational institution.

Earn a certificate in Electronic & Computer Fundamentals.

This certificate presents basic electrical engineering and related computer engineering courses. The program covers the basic theory of electrical engineering circuits and computer logic from both the component and board-level perspectives. Students trained in this area are capable of working in design and troubleshooting and are prepared for more advanced study in electrical and computer engineering, computer science, and computer information technology at the bachelor's degree level.

Want more information?

Whether you’re set on your program, trying to figure out if MTC is right for you, or just looking for the occasional email update on careers and programs, we’re here to help.

Academic programs count as academic credit for a certificate, diploma or degree and may transfer toward future academic endeavors at four-year colleges and universities.
Training programs can be completed in a matter of weeks or months, are focused on career training, and provide credentials and certificates needed in the specific fields of study. Coursework does not transfer.
Not sure: Check out these resources to explore what fits your goals.
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