Dual Enrollment Trains a Skilled Workforce
Apr 12, 2022
Midlands Technical College is serving more dual enrollment students than ever. This growth comes as part of intentional efforts to grow the percentage of those students enrolled in career training courses.
With dual enrollment, high school students can start a college degree or a career while meeting high school graduation requirements. Public, private, and home-school students can enroll in the program and take courses tuition-free.
In the past year, participation in dual enrollment (DE@MTC) rose 20%, with more than 900 students participating. And in the last five years, the number of DE@MTC career-training courses nearly tripled. Now, roughly 50% of the DE@MTC courses lead directly to careers; the other half of the course offerings are in general education subjects like English and Math.
“We work closely with local and regional employers to help ensure our programs and course offerings are relevant for high-demand occupations,” said MTC Provost Dr. Barrie Kirk. “DE@MTC is one of the key ways we are preparing students for the skilled workforce in the Midlands.”
Derrah Cassidy, Dean of Dual Enrollment, said, “Traditionally, our dual enrollment courses were slanted toward general education and college transfer. Now, by design, the college is offering an even balance of career training and general education courses. We want all students to be able to leverage dual enrollment to get a head start on college – no matter their post-high school plans.”
More DE@MTC students are now enrolling in courses in the Schools of Education and Public Service, Health Care, and more.
“Starting deep career exploration in high school makes a lot of sense,” Kirk said. “DE@MTC courses can expose students to career fields that are not typically available in their high schools. So by the time students graduate high school, they are on a clear path to fulfilling careers.”
MTC offers dual enrollment to high school students who live in Fairfield, Lexington, and Richland counties. Courses may be taken at the high schools, at MTC, online or virtually. Many students complete their associate degrees while still in high school, saving thousands of dollars.
Dual enrollment courses are taught by MTC faculty. Often individual high school teachers have the appropriate credentials and teach these college-level classes on behalf of the college.
To contact a member of the dual enrollment team or to sign-up to receive information, visit the Dual Enrollment at Midlands Technical College webpage.