Returning Student
How do I know if I no longer qualify as a current student?
Returning Students are students who have previously attended MTC, but were not enrolled for the last two terms (other than the summer term) and wish to re-enroll.
I want to continue at MTC. What is my next step?
You must complete a new application for admission prior to re-entry. Students who have attended another college during the interim must ask that college to send an official transcript to the Admissions Office. Applicants for re-admission must meet current admissions criteria, including testing and placement requirements.
The college reserves the right to refuse re-admission to any applicant who has an unacceptable academic or conduct record. Individuals with financial obligations to the college must resolve these obligations before they will be allowed to register for classes.
- Special Readmission Procedures for Military Students
Students who must report for active duty while enrolled at Midlands Technical College are subject to established academic requirements when returning to the college and will be given every consideration for readmissions in the same academic status at the time of the withdrawal.A student who has not attended for more than three consecutive terms must reapply to the college. The student needs to contact the Associate Director, of Military & Veterans Outreach at our Fort Jackson Campus to request a fee waiver for the admissions application.
Students who have not attended for at least one year must submit an application update form. Once the form has been processed the student will receive notification of their next steps in the enrollment process from the Admissions Office.