Registered Nurse (ADN)


The Associate Degree Nursing program is designed to incorporate a base of biological and social sciences with the knowledge and skills necessary for the practice of nursing in the Registered Nurse (RN) role. The role of the associate degree nurse (ADN) builds on the basic knowledge and practice of the practical nurse. The ADN is able to function with greater independence, in more complex situations and with more acutely ill patients.

The ADN serves a vital role in teaching the patient about his or her condition and ways to improve his or her health. The ADN assesses the patient’s condition, develops the plan of care and makes ongoing judgments regarding the patient’s progress. Associate degree nurses have supervisory responsibilities for licensed practical nurses, nursing assistants, and other health care workers. The curriculum includes classroom instruction, practice in simulated laboratories and various clinical settings.

Learning experiences for students in the Associate Degree Nursing Program are provided in classrooms and laboratories on the Airport Campus in the Health Sciences Building and Lexington Hall. Student preclinical experience is provided in nursing skills labs and a state-of-the-art simulation lab. Required clinical experiences (externships/internships) are arranged through affiliations with local healthcare facilities.


Upon completion of the program, the student is eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The program is approved by the South Carolina Board of Nursing. Candidates who have criminal records may be required to appear before the South Carolina Board of Nursing, which will determine eligibility to take the NCLEX-RN exam. The associate nursing program at Midlands Technical College located in West Columbia, SC is accredited by the Accrenditation Commission for Educaton in Nursing (ACEN). The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the practical and associate nursing programs is continuing accreditation.

Accrediting Agencies

South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation,
State Board of Nursing for South Carolina Synergy 
Business Park, Kingstree Building
110 Centerview Dr., Suite 202
Columbia, SC 29210
(803) 896-4550

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing logoAccreditation Commission for
Education in Nursing, Inc. 
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000 

Information Sessions

Nursing Information Sessions provide foundational information to those interested in the MTC Nursing Programs.

If you have any questions, please attend an information session held via Zoom on the 1st or 2nd Wednesdays of every month except January and May from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Pre-registration is required via the Zoom link Children may not attend.

If you have been assigned a personal advisor, you may also contact your advisor to have questions answered.

Program Outcomes Data

The Associate Degree Nursing Program at Midlands Technical College strives to prepare the nursing student to provide nursing care within the scope of practice defined by the South Carolina Board of Nursing. The entry level associate degree nurse collaborates with the health care team to manage care for patients across the lifespan, delegates and maintaining professional accountability. Nursing Faculty review the program outcomes on a regular basis to improve student learning outcomes.

NCLEX-RN Pass Rates: The pass rates are based on first time candidates of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Licensing Exam (NCLEX). The time period is between Jan 01 and December 31 of the reported year. The goal of the nursing faculty is for first time takers of the NCLEX to be in compliance with more than 5% below the annual national pass rate.

RN Pass Rate Data Comparisons


Program Completion Rates: The goal of the nursing faculty is for at least 55% of the MTC graduates of the ADN Program to graduate within 150% of the program length. This equates to 9 semesters once they enter the program.

RN Program Completion Rates


Job Placement Rates: The goal of the nursing faculty is for at least 80% of the MTC graduates of the ADN program who seek employment in nursing will be successful.

RN Job Placement Rates

Graduate SurveyJob Placement Rate
Special Requirements

Students are required to take standardized tests at an approximate cost of $195 a semester. The approximate cost for taking the licensure exam (NCLEX-RN) upon completion of the program is $350. Students must purchase liability insurance each semester at a cost of approximately $5. Students must purchase a uniform, special equipment and clinical documentation sessions in the first semester (the approximate cost is $350). Skills packets, learning packets, and books must be purchased at the bookstore for nursing courses.

Ensure all required prerequisite courses are completed in order to submit a competitive Nursing program application.

ADN Prerequisite Courses:

  1. ENG 101
  2. PSY 201
  3. PSY 203
  4. BIO 210 (must be completed within 5 years of starting NUR-134)
  5. BIO 211 (must be completed within 5 years of starting NUR-134)
  6. BIO 225 (must be completed within 5 years of starting NUR-134)
  7. MAT 110 or higher
  8. Approved Humanities

NOTE: No grade can be lower than a “C”. No more than one repeat attempt per course at Midlands Technical College or any post-secondary institution, with no more than 2 courses repeated/attempted. Due to COVID-19, “W”s awarded in Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021 will not count as an attempt nor count against the students in future semesters.

Beginning Summer 2024, "W"s awarded in general education courses beginning this semester will not count as an attempt. Biology and math courses must be completed within 5 years.

Open Application Dates for Competitive Nursing Applications

- Open Application dates for Fall Semester starts are January 15 – May 15.

  • Applications will be accepted for ADN, LPN and Transition.
  • Notification of acceptance or denial into the Nursing program will be received by June 15.

- Open Application dates for Spring Semester starts are May 25 – August 25.

  • Applications will only be accepted for ADN and LPN.
  • Notification of acceptance or denial into the Nursing program will be received by September 15.

- Open Application dates for Summer Semester starts are September 15 – December 15.

  • Applications will only be accepted for ADN and LPN.
  • Notification of acceptance or denial into the Nursing program will be received by January 25.
Additional Requirements
  • High school or college credits in biology and algebra are recommended
  • Emotional and physical ability to carry out normal activities of nursing care as determined by physical examination
  • Cleared background check; negative drug screen; physical exam; immunizations such as Hepatitis B, Tdap, Varicella, and MMR; a two-step TB skin test (PPD) or Quantiferon Gold; and CPR (American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Providers) are required to enter clinical courses.
  • Qualified applicants must attend a two-part orientation session.

Applicants must have a cumulative 2.0 GPA for all Midlands Technical College course work for entrance into and progression through the nursing curriculum.

The Nursing Student Handbook outlines other policies relevant to students in the program.

Transition Nursing: LPN to ADN

Licensed Practical Nurses seeking advanced placement in the ADN program may be admitted to the Transition Nursing Program. The transition Nursing Program begins only in the Fall semester. LPNs seeking advanced placement must meet the following admission requirements:

  1. Have an active unrestricted S.C. Practical Nursing license or compact (multi-state) Practical Nursing license.
  2. Graduated from a Practical Nursing Program accredited by ACEN (Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing).
  3. Must qualify for the nursing program based on the requirements at the time of applying.

Transition students must complete all ADN special requirements and additional requirements as listed above.

Transition Nursing students accepted beginning Fall 2020 will follow the below curriculum.


Total Credit Hours = 50


The Nursing Student Handbook further outlines the progression policies in the nursing program.

Program Type

Associate in Applied Science

How to Enroll

To pursue this degree, you must apply to MTC using our online application.

Apply Now


Print Plan

Sample Program Plan and Costs

On-Campus Traditional. Classes meet on campus.
Virtual 100% online. Meets with a live instructor and classmates on specific days, at specific times. Uses web conferencing software, like Zoom.
Hybrid Some classes on campus. Some classes online or virtual.
Online 100% online. Due dates for projects and assignments. Self-paced work on your time.
Semester Course ID Course Title Classroom Online Hybrid Virtual Credits
Semester 1
(16 Credit Hours)
ENG-101 English Comp I

English Comp I

ID: ENG-101

Credit Hours: 3

This is a (college transfer) course in which the following topics are presented: a study of composition in conjunction with appropriate literary selections, with frequent theme assignments to reinforce effective writing. A review of standard usage and the basic techniques of research are also presented.

NUR-131 Introduction to Pharmacology

Introduction to Pharmacology

ID: NUR-131

Credit Hours: 1

This course is a study of drug calculations and basic concepts of pharmacology.

PSY-201 General Psychology

General Psychology

ID: PSY-201

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes the following topics and concepts in the science of behavior: scientific method, biological bases for behavior, perception, motivation, learning memory, development, personality, abnormal behavior, therapeutic techniques, and social psychology.

BIO-210 Anatomy and Physiology I

Anatomy and Physiology I

ID: BIO-210

Credit Hours: 4

This is the first in a sequence of courses, including an intensive coverage of the body as an integrated whole. All body systems are studied. Emphasis is placed on the manner in which systems interact to maintain homeostasis. The study includes general chemistry principles, biochemistry, cells and tissues and the following systems will be covered: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and special senses.

NUR-134 Beginning Nursing Skills

Beginning Nursing Skills

ID: NUR-134

Credit Hours: 5

This course is a study of beginning nursing skills. The course prepares the student to assist in patient care and function as an efficient member of the nursing team.

Semester 2
(15 Credit Hours)
BIO-211 Anatomy and Physiology II

Anatomy and Physiology II

ID: BIO-211

Credit Hours: 4

This is a continuation of a sequence of courses, including intensive coverage of the body as an integrated whole. All body systems are studied. Emplasis is placed on the manner in which systems interact to maintain homeostasis. The following systems will be covered: endocrine, lymphatic, immune, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive.

PSY-203 Human Growth and Development

Human Growth and Development

ID: PSY-203

Credit Hours: 3

This course is a study of the physical, cognitive, and social factors affecting human growth, development, and potential.

NUR-155 Contemporary Nursing Practice I

Contemporary Nursing Practice I

ID: NUR-155

Credit Hours: 6

This course provides further development of proficiency in nursing care of individuals experiencing commonly occurring health problems with predictable outcomes.

NUR-141 Pharmacological Therapies I

Pharmacological Therapies I

ID: NUR-141

Credit Hours: 2

This course introduces the role of the nurse in the safe and effective administration of medications.

Semester 3
(12 Credit Hours)
MAT-120 Probability and Statistics

Probability and Statistics

ID: MAT-120

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes the following topics: introductory probability and statistics, including organization of data, sample space concepts, random variables, counting problems, binomial and normal distributions, central limit theorem, confidence intervals,and test hypothesis for large and small samples; types I and II errors; linear regression; and correlation. (Graphic calculator required)

NUR-158 Health Promotion for Families I

Health Promotion for Families I

ID: NUR-158

Credit Hours: 4

This course focuses on nursing care of the childbearing and childrearing families experiencing normal developmental changes and common health problems.

NUR-235 Contemporary Medical Surg Nur Concepts

Contemporary Medical Surg Nur Concepts

ID: NUR-235

Credit Hours: 5

This course advances the development of the practical nurse in providing medical surgical care for individuals with complex health problems with predictable outcomes.

Semester 4
(13 Credit Hours)
BIO-225 Microbiology


ID: BIO-225

Credit Hours: 4

This is a detailed study of microbiology as it relates to infection and the disease processes of the body. Topics include immunity, epidemiology, medically important microorganisms, and diagnostic procedures for identification.

NUR-208 Health Promotion for Families II

Health Promotion for Families II

ID: NUR-208

Credit Hours: 4

This course focuses on reproductive health and nursing care of the childbearing and childrearing families experiencing acute and chronic health problems in the acute care setting.

NUR-255 Contemporary Nursing Practice II

Contemporary Nursing Practice II

ID: NUR-255

Credit Hours: 5

This course develops clinical reasoning necessary for holistic care of individuals and families experiencing health related concerns with predictable and unpredictable outcomes.

Semester 5
(12 Credit Hours)
NUR-162 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

ID: NUR-162

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers application of critical thinking skills and nursing concepts in the care of adult clients with selected mental health problems in a variety of settings. The course includes the study of dynamics of human behavior ranging from normal to extreme.

NUR-215 Management of Patient Care

Management of Patient Care

ID: NUR-215

Credit Hours: 5

This course facilitates nursing care of small groups of patients utilizing the nursing process and concepts of management.

NUR-270 Principles of Management & Leadership I

Principles of Management & Leadership I

ID: NUR-270

Credit Hours: 1

This course focuses on concepts and competencies related to role development, leadership and management skills, legal and ethical issues, and professional values and behaviors of the registered nurse.

Approved Humanities Elective 3
  Total Credit Hours 68
  Estimated Cost
Financial Aid
Not including fees and equipment


Registered Nurse – Acute Care Hospital

Registered Nurses have many areas in which they can specialize. The Registered Nurse can choose from pediatrics, medical-surgical, emergency department, inpatient surgery, outpatient surgery, oncology, labor and delivery, and other specialty areas.

Average Annual Salary

According to EMSI data as of 2022

Where Can I Work?

  • Hospitals
  • Medical Clinics

What’s next after I complete this program?

Earn a Bachelor's Degree

Nurses who wish to earn more money can continue their education at a four-year school by earning their Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Nurses who have earned their BSN degree will find themselves eligible to apply for many more positions and earning much higher compensation. They will be able to pursue graduate degrees in nursing and will receive training in more advanced skills, including those involving leadership and critical thinking.  

Earn a Master's Degree

Nurses can also pursue a master’s degree. During a master’s program, nursing students take graduate courses in evidence-based practices, leadership in nursing, and specialized courses in a concentration area. Specializations in neonatal nursing, oncology nursing, and pediatrics are common subfields of nursing available to graduate students.

Want more information?

Whether you’re set on your program, trying to figure out if MTC is right for you, or just looking for the occasional email update on careers and programs, we’re here to help.

Academic programs count as academic credit for a certificate, diploma or degree and may transfer toward future academic endeavors at four-year colleges and universities.
Training programs can be completed in a matter of weeks or months, are focused on career training, and provide credentials and certificates needed in the specific fields of study. Coursework does not transfer.
Not sure: Check out these resources to explore what fits your goals.
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