Ready to Apply to MTC?

You're In the Right Place.
New Students
Only academic students seeking a degree, diploma, or academic certificate by taking in-person or online courses for college credit, need to apply.
Apply Online
Training students can register for classes directly from the program page.
We prefer that students use our online application. Paper applications are available at the Admissions Office on the Beltline or Airport campus, or by calling 803.822.6714.
Email: | Phone: 803.738.7839 | Mail: P.O. Box 2408, Columbia, SC 29202

After You Submit Your Application
What's next?
Within 24 hours of submitting your application, you'll receive an email containing information about your new MyMTC account. MyMTC is the student intranet, and it is the best way to view your admissions status and update your application. If you do not receive an email from MTC a day after submitting your application, please check your spam folder, then call MTC Admissions at 803.738.7839.