Academic Course Search
Medical Assisting Introduction
ID: MED-103
This course provides an introduction to the profession of medical assisting, including qualifications, duties, and the role of the medical assistant. It also covers law and ethics as they relate to the medical office, with emphasis on the medical assisting profession.
Medical Office Administrative Procedures
ID: AOT-220
This course provides a study of insurance processing, medical insurance coding, electronic health records, computer applications and the use of other business machines for the medical receptionist and other front-office medical personnel.
Medical and Dental Emergencies
ID: DHG-115
This course provides a study of the various medical/dental emergencies and appropriate treatment measures. Additionally, it includes managing medically compromised dental patients, and provides for CPR certification.
Medical Assisting Professional Seminar
ID: MED-170
This course covers selected topics applicable to the medical assistant profession and focuses on advancing knowledge while developing specialty skills in leadership and professionalism.
Medical Document Production
ID: AOT-212
This course covers the production of documents found in medical offices. The major focus is on productivity and excellence in medical document production.
Medical Office Clinical Skills II
ID: MED-142
This course provides a continued study in medical assisting clinical skills with emphases on pharmacology, dosage calculation and administration, medical specialties and emergencies.
Advanced Emergency Medical Care I
ID: EMS-230
This course provides an introduction to pre-hospital pharmacology and cardiology as they relate specifically to patient care. Emphasis is placed on the appropriate methods for patient physical exams and solicitation of medical history to maximize patient outcomes.
Advanced Emergency Medical Care II
ID: EMS-240
This course is a study of complex recurring emergency medical conditions that encompass all stages of the patient's life span.
Basic Medical Laboratory Techniques
ID: MED-113
This course provides a study of specimen collection and techniques for related laboratory procedures routinely performed in medical offices and clinics; including hematology and procedures related to body fluids.
Basic Medical Microbiology
ID: MLT-104
This course introduces the study of basic concepts of medical microbiology.
Contemporary Medical Surg Nur Concepts
ID: NUR-235
This course advances the development of the practical nurse in providing medical surgical care for individuals with complex health problems with predictable outcomes.
Cross-Section Anatomy for Medical Imag
ID: AHS-206
This course is a study of human anatomy as viewed in cross-sectional planes. This is used in medical imaging modalities such as computed tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Ultrasound.
Emergency Medical Technician
ID: EMS-110
This is an introductory course to the health care system and the function, role, and responsibility of emergency medical providers within the system. Emphasis is placed on legal and ethical practices and stress management. A team approach is emphasized in the study of the initial assessment and management of illness and injury.
Medical Computer Practicum
ID: MED-124
This course covers the use of medical software for accounting, billing, and patient records.
Medical Ethics
ID: PHI-221
This course examines principles and theories in medical ethics along with ethical issues that occur in the practice of medicine.
Medical Information Processing
ID: AOT-164
This course emphasizes development of proficiency in producing medical documents typical of those used in health care settings.
Medical Lab Fundamentals
ID: MLT-102
This course introduces basic concepts and procedures in medical laboratory technology.
Medical Systems and Procedures
ID: AOT-252
This course emphasizes development of proficiency in integrating skills commonly performed in medical offices.
Medical Terminology
ID: AHS-102
This course covers medical terms, including roots, prefixes, and suffixes, with emphasis on spelling, definition, and pronunciation.
Health Management
ID: AHS-208
This course is a study of the principles of management in a health care environment, including supervision, medically ethical decision making, medical team concepts, human resource management, supervision of medical professionals at various levels, & organizational structure in health care settings.