

The Pre-Nursing Certificate provides a structured curriculum for those students seeking to qualify for nursing without testing. The completion of all nine courses in the curriculum with a minimum grade point average of 2.75 on these 9 courses, no grade lower than a "C" and no more than one repeat per course at any post-secondary institution will enable the student to secure a place on the qualified list for nursing. In addition, the courses in this certificate serve as a background for the study of either practical nursing or associate degree nursing.

There are no required externships/internships for this program.

Program Type

Academic Certificate

How to Enroll

To pursue this degree, you must apply to MTC using our online application.

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Sample Program Plan and Costs

BIO must be less than 5 years old from the start of NUR 134, 203.

On-Campus Traditional. Classes meet on campus.
Virtual 100% online. Meets with a live instructor and classmates on specific days, at specific times. Uses web conferencing software, like Zoom.
Hybrid Some classes on campus. Some classes online or virtual.
Online 100% online. Due dates for projects and assignments. Self-paced work on your time.
Semester Course ID Course Title Classroom Online Hybrid Virtual Credits
Semester 1
(10 Credit Hours)
COL-106 Skills for College Success

Skills for College Success

ID: COL-106

Credit Hours: 1

This course is designed to enhance the skills of entering freshmen to facilitate their ability to succeed in the college environment. The course topics include student/instructor expectations, time management, library/computer orientation, listening/note-taking, studying for success, learning styles/personality types, and diversity and differences on campus.

ENG-101 English Comp I

English Comp I

ID: ENG-101

Credit Hours: 3

This is a (college transfer) course in which the following topics are presented: a study of composition in conjunction with appropriate literary selections, with frequent theme assignments to reinforce effective writing. A review of standard usage and the basic techniques of research are also presented.

MAT-102 Intermediate Algebra

Intermediate Algebra

ID: MAT-102

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes the following topics: properties of numbers; fundamental operations with algebraic expressions; polynomials; systems of equations; ratio and proportion; factoring; functions; graphs; solutions of linear inequalities; and linear and quadratic equations.

PSY-201 General Psychology

General Psychology

ID: PSY-201

Credit Hours: 3

This course includes the following topics and concepts in the science of behavior: scientific method, biological bases for behavior, perception, motivation, learning memory, development, personality, abnormal behavior, therapeutic techniques, and social psychology.

Semester 2
(7 Credit Hours)
BIO-210 Anatomy and Physiology I

Anatomy and Physiology I

ID: BIO-210

Credit Hours: 4

This is the first in a sequence of courses, including an intensive coverage of the body as an integrated whole. All body systems are studied. Emphasis is placed on the manner in which systems interact to maintain homeostasis. The study includes general chemistry principles, biochemistry, cells and tissues and the following systems will be covered: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and special senses.

AHS-102 Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology

ID: AHS-102

Credit Hours: 3

This course covers medical terms, including roots, prefixes, and suffixes, with emphasis on spelling, definition, and pronunciation.

Semester 3
(9 Credit Hours)
NUR-115 Basic Concepts in Nursing

Basic Concepts in Nursing

ID: NUR-115

Credit Hours: 2

This course introduces the student to the profession of nursing through both classroom and limited lab/clinical experiences. Clinical applications III. This course provides lab and clinical practice to facilitate the application of foundational nursing concepts and to develop competency in providing nursing care across the lifespan.

BIO-211 Anatomy and Physiology II

Anatomy and Physiology II

ID: BIO-211

Credit Hours: 4

This is a continuation of a sequence of courses, including intensive coverage of the body as an integrated whole. All body systems are studied. Emplasis is placed on the manner in which systems interact to maintain homeostasis. The following systems will be covered: endocrine, lymphatic, immune, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive.

Approved Elective 3
  Total Credit Hours 26
  Estimated Cost
Financial Aid
Not including fees and equipment

What’s next after I complete this program?

Continue at MTC

Once the student has completed the certificate, they may consider pairing the certificate with the next relevant Associate degree to increase the student's employment opportunities.

Want more information?

Whether you’re set on your program, trying to figure out if MTC is right for you, or just looking for the occasional email update on careers and programs, we’re here to help.

Academic programs count as academic credit for a certificate, diploma or degree and may transfer toward future academic endeavors at four-year colleges and universities.
Training programs can be completed in a matter of weeks or months, are focused on career training, and provide credentials and certificates needed in the specific fields of study. Coursework does not transfer.
Not sure: Check out these resources to explore what fits your goals.
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